Throughout the healing process:
Always wash your hands with liquid antibacterial soap before cleaning or touching your tattoo.
Try to use fresh bed sheets, and towels during the healing process. Paper towels are great for when you are washing or drying.
Day 1-5
If you have a second skin on, leave it on and try not to bother it!
If you are allergic to second skin, leave the bandage I put on you on for 2-4 hours after the tattoo is done. After the 2-4 hours, remove the bandage and clean gently with an unscented antibacterial soap and water. Pat dry with a paper towel.
Wash tattoo 2x a day with warm water, and apply a thin layer of unscented lotion.
it is normal for the tattoo to have redness, and soreness for up to one week, but if it increases instead of decreases after one week please reach out with a photo of your tattoo.
Day 5-14
If you have second skin on, day 5 is time to remove it!
the tattoo will begin to peel and flake like a sunburn, this is normal.
Continue to wash 2x a day with warm water and your liquid antibacterial soap.
Continue to apply a thin layer of unscented lotion. My favorite brands for this is Eucerin and Lubriderm.
Continue this process as long as there is any scabbing or peeling- approximately two weeks.
DO NOT scratch the scabs. If it is really itchy, it helps to slap your skin.
AVOID direct sun exposure, and no sunscreen until healing is complete.
DO NOT soak your tattoo in any way. No baths, swimming, hot tubs etc. Showering and washing the tattoo is okay!
Wash an extra time after sweating.
Day 14-30
You may now apply sunscreen, it is always recommended now any time you are out in the sun!
For best results, continue to avoid direct sun exposure.
After one month, it should be completely healed! Enjoy your new tattoo:)